Behaviour Policy & School Expectations
Behaviour, like spelling or Mathematics, is something that children learn. We teach students about positive behaviour. Based on Education Department police, the school Behaviour Policy is based on the principles of Positive Behaviour Support. All students at all year levels are expected to demonstrate the school's expectations of Care, Respect, Try and be Responsible. We work hard to ensure that all interactions between students and staff are positive based on these expections.
The following are expectations of all staff and students at the school:
Rewards for appropriate behaviour, both extrinsic and intrinsic, are an important part of our behaviour management system. Rewards provided for students range from verbal and non-verbal individual praise for good work or behaviour, through to overt rewards recognised at a whole school level. We believe there should be a minimum of 4 positives to 1 negative.
Rewards include:
CRTR cards are our ‘free and frequent’ reward system used by all staff, awarded to students who demonstrate the expected behaviours;
In addition to this, teachers may provide their own reward system within their classroom;
Primary CRTR cards will be counted towards certificates and badges, to be given out at a CRTR assembly;
Secondary CRTR cards will be counted towards a regular prize draw;
All CRTR cards are counted towards Faction points;
Students consistently demonstrating expected behaviours may be invited to participate in reward activities, depending on the schedule of events for the school;
Letters of Commendation may be sent home to parents for good work and behaviour;
Honour Awards are presented at whole school assemblies.

For more information regarding our Behaviour Policy, please click the link.